Ant in a Motorcycle

Digital illustration. Photomontage and Other Doodles

Lorena F. Valdes

First the ant was sketched with a pencil and paper.

Lorena F. Valdes

A digital illustration using a Wacom. A background is added, and then the slogan "The motorcycle that fits everyone, even an ant" as parody of advertising.

Lorena F. Valdes

It started as a bunch of random nonsense. On one of those days, I got to eat a clown for breakfast or dinner. Who knows!? Then you get a chocolate bar taking a bath in a glass of milk.

Lorena F. Valdes

A banana boat driving in Venice, perhaps.

Lorena F. Valdes

Another brick on the wall. What was I thinking?

Lorena F. Valdes

The 15th Century Ice Queens. Yummy!

Lorena F. Valdes

A snowball lost in the desert.

Lorena F. Valdes

A snowball lost in the desert again. This time for sure it will get melted.

Lorena F. Valdes

A ribbon bow in a hurry. Run ribbon run!

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